What if I need to cancel or change my order?

An order can be canceled or adjusted within 2 hours of placing the order by contacting our Customer Support team. Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm MST.

After 2 hours, we are unable to modify or cancel orders. If you want to change or add to your order, please place a separate order for any item not in your original order. Any unwanted items can be returned. For product return instructions, please visit our "Return Policy" page. Once the returned item has been received at our warehouse, a credit for the product price or processing fees will be issued to your account in approximately 1 week.

If you try to reach us after-business hours, please email support@fancii.com immediately and clearly indicate the changes to update to on your order. As soon as a Customer Support team member comes on work shift, your request will be looked into as soon as possible.

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